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Stage setting Up WordPress Download

How to instal WordPress both on your computer and on a web server from scratch

[Download] Setting Up WordPress

What you'll learn

  • You'll be able to install WordPress along your computer

  • You'll be able to instal WordPress on a remote network server (web Host) on a custom domain


  • You'll need basic computing machine knowledge and net access

  • Setting up WordPress on your computer is free, but if you want a website you'll need to pay for a web boniface


There's much of one and only-click installs knocked out there, but every WordPress developer needs to know how to install WordPress from scratch for the times when those one-suction stop installers fail. Therein run over, we'll walk through the steps needed to put in WordPress on your computer topically (great for debauched testing!) and on a web host through with a custom realm.

Who this run over is for:

  • Beginner WordPress developers needing to install it locally for testing purposes
  • Web designers who pauperization to test their designs on WordPress
  • Aspiring web developers wanting to learn how to set up WordPress from scratch

Setting Up WordPress Download

Source: https://www.udemy.com/course/wpsetuptutorial/

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